May 18, 2009
This list have been available thanks to infowars.com and their contacts and those of Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin so thanks to all of them :
Dutch Queen Beatrix
Queen Sofia of Spain
Prince Constantijn (Belgian Prince)
Prince Philippe Etienne Ntavinion, Belgium
Étienne, Viscount Davignon, Belgium (former vice-president of the European Commission)
Josef Ackermann (Swiss banker and CEO of Deutsche Bank)
Keith B. Alexander, United States (Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Director of the National Security Agency)
Roger Altman, United States (investment banker, former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton)
Georgios A. Arapoglou, Greece (Governor of National Bank of Greece)
Ali Babaca , Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy)
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Portugal (former Prime Minister of Portugal)
Nicholas Bavarez, France (economist and historian)
Franco Bernabè, Italy (Telecom Italia)
Xavier Bertrand, France (French politician connected to Nicolas Sarkozy)
Carl Bildt, Sweden (former Prime Minister of Sweden)
January Bgiorklount, Norway (?)
Christoph Blocher, Switzerland (industrialist, Vice President of the Swiss People’s Party)
Alexander Bompar, France (?)
Ana Patricia Botin, Spain, (President of Banco Banesto)
Henri de Castries, France (President of AXA, the French global insurance companies group)
Juan Luis Cebrián, Spain (journalist for Grupo PRISA; his father was a senior journalist in the fascist Franco regime)
W. Edmund Clark, Canada (CEO TD Bank Financial Group)
Kenneth Clarke, Great Britain (MP, Shadow Business Secretary)
Luc Cohen, Belgium (?)
George David, United States (Chairman and former CEO of United Technologies Corporation, board member of Citigroup)
Richard Dearlove, Great Britain (former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service)
Mario Draghi, Italy (economist, governor of the Bank of Italy)
Eldrup Anders, Denmark (CEO Dong Energy)
John Elkann, Italy (Italian industrialist, grandson of the late Gianni Agnelli, and heir to the automaker Fiat)
Thomas Enders, Germany (CEO Airbus)
Jose Entrekanales, Spain (?)
Isintro phenomena casket, Spain (?)
Niall Ferguson, United States (Professor of History at Harvard University and William Ziegler Professor at Harvard Business School)
Timothy Geithner, United States (Secretary of the Treasury)
Ntermot convergence, Ireland (AIV Group) (?)
Donald Graham, United States (CEO and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company)
Victor Chalmperstant, Netherlands (Leiden University)
Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands (Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the fourth Balkenende cabinet, member of the Christian Democratic Appeal)
Richard Holbrooke, United States (Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands (Dutch politician and the current NATO Secretary General)
James Jones, United States (National Security Advisor to the White House)
Vernon Jordan, United States (lawyer, close adviser to President Bill Clinton)
Robert Keigkan, United States (? - possibly Robert Kagan, neocon historian)
Girki Katainen, Finland (?)
John Kerr (aka Baron Kerr of Kinlochard), Britain (Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and an independent member of the House of Lords)
Mustafa Vehbi Koç, Turkey (President of industrial conglomerate Koç Holding)
Roland GT, Germany (?)
Sami Cohen, Turkey (Journalist) (?)
Henry Kissinger, United States
Marie Jose Kravis, United States (Hudson Institute)
Neelie Kroes, Netherlands (European Commissioner for Competition)
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, Greece (Group S & B) (?)
Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal (Portuguese economist and politician)
Bernardino Leon Gross, Spain (Secretary General of the Presidency)
Jessica Matthews, United States (President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Philippe Maystadt (President of the European Investment Bank)
Frank McKenna, Canada (Deputy Chairman of the Toronto-Dominion Bank)
John Micklethwait, Great Britain (Editor-in-chief of The Economist)
Thierry de Montbrial, France (founded the Department of Economics of the École Polytechnique and heads the Institut français des relations internationales)
Mario Monti, Italy (Italian economist and politician, President of the Bocconi University of Milan)
Miguel Angel Moratinos, Spain (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Craig Mundie, United States (chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft)
Egil Myklebust, Norway (Chairman of the board of SAS Group, Scandinavian Airlines System)
Mathias Nass, Germany (Editor of the newspaper Die Zeit)
Denis Olivennes, France (director general of Nouvel Observateur)
Frederic Oudea, France (CEO of Société Générale bank)
Cem Özdemir, Germany (co-leader of the Green Party and Member of the European Parliament)
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Italy (Italian banker, economist, and former Minister of Economy and Finance)
Dimitrios Th.Papalexopoulo, Greece (Managing Director of Titan Cement Company SA)
Richard Perle, United States (American Enterprise Institute)
David Petraeus, United States (Commander, U.S. Central Command)
Manuel Pinho, Portugal (Minister of Economy and Innovation)
J. Robert S. Prichard, Canada (CEO of Torstar Corporation and president emeritus of the University of Toronto)
Romano Prodi, Italy (former Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission)
Heather M. Reisman, Canada (co-founder of Indigo Books & Music Inc.).
Eivint Reitan, Norway (economist, corporate officer and politician for the Centre Party)
Michael Rintzier, Czech Republic (?)
David Rockefeller, United States
Dennis Ross, United States (special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)
Barnett R. Rubin, United States (Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation)
Alberto Rouith-Gkalarthon, Spain (?)
Susan Sampantzi Ntintzer, Turkey (?) Guler Sabanci, President of Sabanci Holdings (?)
Indira Samarasekera, Canada (President of University of Alberta, Board of Directors Scotiabank)
Rountol Solten, Austria (?)
Jürgen E. Schrempp, Germany (CEO DaimlerChrysler)
Pedro Solbes Mira, Spain (economist, Socialist, Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance)
Sampatzi Saraz, Turkey (banker) (?) possibly Süreyya Serdengeçti (former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey) http://arsiv.zaman.com.tr/2002/05/29/ekonomi/h6.htm
Sanata Seketa, Canada (University of Canada) (?)
Lawrence Summers, United States (economist, Director of the White House’s National Economic Council)
Peter Sutherland, Ireland (Chairman, BP and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International)
Martin Taylor, United Kingdom (former chief executive of Barclays Bank, currently Chairman of Syngenta AG)
Peter Thiel, United States (Clarium Capital Management LCC, PayPal co-founder, Board of Directors, Facebook)
Agan Ourgkout, Turkey (?)
Matti Taneli Vanhanen, Finland, (Prime Minister)
Daniel L. Vasella, Switzerland (Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Novartis AG)
Jeroen van der Veer, Netherlands (CEO of Royal Dutch Shell)
Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium (former Prime Minister)
Paul Volcker, U.S. (former Federal Reserve director, Chair of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board)
Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden (chairman of Investor AB and former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden (CEO of Investor AB, former chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken)
Nout Wellink, Netherlands (Chairman of De Nederlandsche Bank, Board of Directors, the Bank of International Settlements)
Hans Wijers, Netherlands (CEO of the multinational corporation AkzoNobel)
Martin Wolf, Great Britain (associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times)
James Wolfensohn, United States (former president of the World Bank)
Paul Wolfowitz, United States (for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank, currently AEI scholar)
Fareed Zakaria, United States (journalist, author, and CNN host)
Robert Zoellick, United States (former managing director of Goldman Sachs, President the World Bank)
Dora Bakoyannis, Greece (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece (Member of Parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement)
Yannis Papathanasiou, Greece (Minister of Finance)
George Alogoskoufis, Greece (former Minister)
George A. David, Greece (businessman, president of Coca-Cola)
it' a school for scoundrels
ReplyDeleteI had he feeling that Carl Bildt was going to be there..
ReplyDeleteI thinkone of the names is Jan Arne Björklund (born 18 April 1962) who is a Swedish politician, currently serving as chairman of the Liberal People's Party and as Minister for Education in the Swedish government.
ReplyDelete(Instead of January Bgiorklount - Norway)
The law is mainly them If another man makes his own law I can make my own law I'm a man to
ReplyDeleteThe law is mainly them If another man makes his own law I can make my own law I'm a man too
ReplyDeleteIsintro phenomenon casket? Is this the persons real name ? What kind of name is that?
ReplyDeleteKenneth Clarke will have to explain to his
ReplyDeleteconstituents and parliament what he was doing there and why...?
There are those who are the destroyers of life-who will soon destroy all life-they are the rich-(jews) life is not sacred to them-they cannot even conceive of equity for all-they have no souls-only giant fabricated egos instead of souls-souls are comprised of truth and love-and there is no truth or love in those who crave inequity to boost the pretense of their false bloated egos-made of lies. All life, in truth and in love, is equal and is sacred. These who make life Hell for others to feel smug & superior will inherit that Hell when they die-there is only one law of reality-you get back what you give-so these will burn in everlasting Hell and damnation.
ReplyDeleteSo what..these are in wikipedia. Not exactly a secret!
ReplyDeleteIf you want conspiracy, look to the Federal Reserve. Who are the owners of the private Fed!
Why is british Rothchilds bank one of the owners. Who recieved most of Fed´s generous moneyprinting..of course the owners of Fed.
They are robbing you blind USA. It´s just amazing how the US can allow a private firm to print as much US-dollars as they want, without accountability. No wonder the dollar will soon be completely worthless.
I was surprised The Economist KNEW that, Schools Secretary, Ed Balls also attended a Bilderberg meeting in recent years.
ReplyDeleteand in 100 years, we'll ALL be dead!!!
ReplyDeleteNtermot convergence, Ireland (AIV Group) (?)
ReplyDeleteEh? What?
Dermot Gleeson, Ireland, (AIB Group). "The Green Goblin". The one who had the egg thrown at him on May 13th at the shareholders meeting?
Secret of All Conspiracy
ReplyDeleteThat some of the names appear to be garbled is understandable, since there's no "member's list" to copy ... the list is assembled from photos and fragments of conversation which are oftimes written more-or-less phonetically and gradually perfected over the subsequent weeks or months.
ReplyDeleteThe only remedy:
ReplyDelete1)Don't take life so seriously. It can be snuffed out in an instant. When you are at your spiritual centre (content with yourself and your effect on ALL of the planet), you are not scared of death, and will as a result inevitably be more likely to give, and hence receive spiritual growth.
2)You can't blame any system. Admittedly, the present secret-order run capitalist system is remarkably inefficient and is intended to be so, which is of course still incompetance. Remember, accidental or deliberate incompetance is still ..incompetance, and will untimately be recorded in the fibre of the universe for the mediocrity it is, BUT ultimately it is always people that are to be blamed - in this case most of the responsibilty must lie with the NWO cheerleading minions, who betray humanity for their own artificial and imaginery pedestals.
3)It's not your fault (average _caring_ citizen). Try your best to be good in life but if and when you get screwed over, don't turn to the darkness as the only escape. That's the cowards way out, the way of the weak who give up so readily, and take the easy road so willingly. Cowards cave first.
4)You can try to make a horse drink. Try it. You can take it to water, and you can make it drink. And, if you can't, all the better for your spirit knowing that you tried. In other words, you can help people to change, in whatever way you see fit - subliminal influence, good example..,quiet suggestive actions. But remember, ultimatle truth prevails. Peace to you all cairde.
If the Bilderberger's aren't stopped they'll erode our freedoms until we've all been implanted with microchips and have no more free will (apart from the Elite of course).
ReplyDeleteThe road ahead is a dangerous one, tread carefully and be aware!